Up to 50% OFF on a selection of products


Up to 50% OFF on a selection of products


Perfect for supporting the most generous shapes with unique comfort.


Perfect for supporting the most generous shapes with unique comfort.

2+1 on Period Panties

2+1 on Period Panties

Trova il tuo modello

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Find your bra

Knowing your size is very important to enhance your breasts and avoid any discomfort.
Here are the tricks for finding your bra.

Find your bra

Knowing your size is very important to enhance your breasts and avoid any discomfort. Here are the tricks for finding your bra

Woman wearing a braWoman wearing a bra
Woman wearing a lace braWoman wearing a lace bra

Our best seller

Discover the most beloved garments.
The ones our customers would never give up.

Belseno, our promise

We want to give all women beautiful, round and naturally supported breasts.
Wings that hug and support the shape, exceptional comfort and perfect fit

Woman wearing a bra and a briefWoman wearing a bra and a brief
Woman wearing shaping underwearWoman wearing shaping underwear

The underwear that enhances the silhouette

Comfortable garments to shape the figure without sacrificing a touch of seductive elegance. The perfect mix of quality and style.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Senectus suscipit amet diam eros eu. Lorem amet velit ipsum molestie eu sed malesuada venenatis.

Belseno, la nostra promessa

Vogliamo regalare a tutte le donne
un seno bello, rotondo e sostenuto
in modo naturale. Ali che
abbracciano e supportano le forme,
eccezionale comfort e perfetta vestibilità.


Lasciati ispirare dai nostri look